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Teatro Mijailovski (ex. Músorgski) Mas informacion | Precio: 142,07 - 322,88 USD
Género: Ópera Idioma: German Restricción de edad: 12+ Duracion: 2 hours 30 minutes Entreactos: 2 Fecha del estreno: 22 March 2016
Presentado en: Teatro Mijailovski (ex. Músorgski) Marzo 2025 | Ópera en St.Petersburg in Marzo 2025 | Ópera en Teatro Mijailovski (ex. Músorgski) in Marzo 2025
Libretto by Emanuel Schikaneder
Original staging, sets, costumes and lighting: Pet Halmen
Staging by Éric Vigié
Stage Director’s Assistants: Yulia Prokhorova, Elena Piskunova, Vyacheslav Kalyuzhny
Musical Director of the production: Mikhail Tatarnikov
Conductor’s Assistant: Igor Tomashevsky
Collaboration between the Mikhailovsky Theatre and the Opéra de Lausanne under the patronage of André and Rosalie Hoffmann
Conductor — Igor Tomashevsky
Mozart’s opera Die Zauberflöte will be performed on the Mikhailovsky’s stage in a version first seen at the Opéra de Lausanne in 2010. The well-known German stage designer and director Pet Halmen decided to shift the opera’s setting to the Duchess Anna-Amalia Library in Weimar, home to a priceless collection of rare books and librettos. And although the idea for this arose following a terrible fire that broke out at the library in 2004, destroying most of the rare volumes stored there, many critics in Europe deemed the production to be one of the most vivacious and harmonious interpretations of Die Zauberflöte in the modern era.